Entrance Requirements

Transfer Students

Transfer students are required to have a minimum 2.0 GPA on all work attempted before entering the Computer Science Department. Normally transfer credit is considered for course work with a grade of "C" or better.

Entering Freshmen

Freshmen must have a combined SAT score of at least 850 or equivalent ACT test score, or rank in the upper one third of their graduating class.

The high school entrance requirements for the computer science degree program are:

English – 4 units


Algebra – 2 units  
Geometry – 1 unit
Pre-calculus or Equivalent – 1 unit

Natural Sciences

Chemistry – 1 unit
Physics – 1 unit

Foreign Language – 1 unit


Students with academic credit

Students with credit from another college or university should have a combined score of 850 or greater on the SAT test or rank in the upper one third of their graduating class and have at least an overall grade point average of 2.3 on all academic work, or must have completed at least 30 academic semester hours with an overall grade point average of 2.3 or better.

Students who meet the general entrance requirements of University, but lack specific requirements for the computer science curricula may, upon approval of the chair, be permitted to enroll in the Computer Science Department; however, all deficiencies must be removed before the end of the second academic year. Students having entrance deficiencies or weaknesses are urged to use the summer terms following the Freshman year in college to remove them.