Sanaz Alasti, Ph.D.


Office Address: Office 73 Maes Building
Phone: (409) 880-2253   
Email: salasti@my.lamar.edu

Areas of Research/Interest: Death Penalty, Corrections, Penology, Comparative Criminal Justice Systems, Criminology, Victimology, Legal Research, Criminological Theories, Criminal Justice & Human Rights.

Fellowships/Honors: Fellowship award, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), 2013, Fellowship, Harvard University School of Law, 2010, Teaching Appreciation Award, Criminal Justice Department, Heald College, San Francisco, 2010, Merit Scholarship, Golden Gate University School of Law, 2004, Graduate Student Award, Criminology Department, Tehran University, 2003.

Courses: Legal Research and Writing, Death Penalty, Crime and Criminals, Intro to Criminal Justice, Theoretical Foundations

Graduate Courses designed taught: Juvenile Justice in International Perspective, Comparative Penology, Current Legal Scholarship on Capital Punishment, Comparative Juvenile Justice

Select Publications:

Selected Books & Book Chapters

Author, Juvenile Death Penalty in Islamic Countries: The Road to Abolition is paved with paradox, Edited by Peter Hodgkinson in Capital Punishment Collections: New Perspectives, Ashgate Press, London, UK, Available in Fall 2013.

2009, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Vandeplas Publishing


2009, Pioneer Criminologists, Mizan Legal Foundation


2009, Criminal Law and Criminology Dictionary, Mizan Legal Foundation


2007, Crime and Punishment: A history of the Criminal Justice System, Vol. 1 & 2, Mizan Legal Foundation


2004, Criminal Infringement of Copyright, Mizan Legal Foundation


Selected Invitee lectures and interviews

New Yorker, Interview in the New Yorker about the Oscar winner movie “A Separation”, and the judicial system in the movie, February 2012.

Library of Congress, An Interview with Sanaz Alasti, Scholar in Residence in Custodia Legis, August 2013.

The Impact of International Law on Abolition of Death Penalty in a Time of Change: The Widening Divide between the United States and Iran, Fulbright Symposium, San Francisco CA, April 2010.

What is Wrong with Capital Punishment? Harvard Law School Lecture Series, Cambridge, MA, April 2011.

Invitee Faculty, NATO School and International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences Military Operations Seminar, Italy, November 2012.

Capital Punishment Laws of Iran, Law Library of Congress, Washington D.C. August 2013.