LU Cares Committee

Charge: Lamar Cares [formerly known as the Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team (BAIT)] shall report to the Dean of Students on issues pertaining to student behavior and the need for university resource intervention.

Membership & Reporting: The membership of LU Cares shall consist of the Chief of Police, the Assistant Chief of Police, the Title IX Coordinator, the Director of the Health Center, and counselors from the Health Center, and representatives from Residence Life, Accessibility Resource Center, Student Engagement, and the faculty. Members are appointed based on the positions identified in the LU Cares policy. The Associate Vice President for Student Engagement/Dean of Students, or their designee, shall chair the Committee. Recommendations from Committee presented to appropriate Vice Presidents.

Committee Members

Liz De La Rosa (Dean of Students), Chair Ex Officio
Dantrel Hargers (Director of Conduct and Care) Ex Officio
Jeffery Kortman (Director of Housing and Residence Life) Ex Officio
Shawn Gray (Assistant Vice President of Health, Wellness, and Accessibility) Ex Officio
Tammy Lilly (Director of Accessibility Resource Center) Ex Officio
Monica Ryan (Title IX Coordinator) Ex Officio
Colt Ryan (Sargent, Police & SCCS liaison) Ex Officio
Hector Flores (Chief of Police) Ex Officio
Lalauni Thomas (Director of Student Success Initiatives) Ex Officio
Samuel Jator (Sr. Associate Provost) Ex Officio
Optional as needed:
Angela Hill (Dean of Student LIT)
Mustapha Jourdini (International Student Services Specialist)
Representative from the Registrar's office
Representative from Financial Aid