Â鶹ӳ» Staff Council Meeting February 11, 2020
Mary and John Gray Library, 8th Floor
The meeting was called to order by Diann Brodnax, Secretary, at 10:02 a.m. Roll sheet was passed around by Diann. A quorum was present.
Members present: Diann Brodnax, Dimples Jones, Stephanie Allen, Albertine Ambers, Mandy Arceneaux, Donavon Barbarisi, Quentin Bellard, Blaire Brevell, Hector Flores, Ashley Glenn, Paula Gregory, Alicia Hargreaves, Charlotte Holliman, Johnny Jarrell, Yinka Jenmy, Gavin Jones, Karen Kessinger, Alex Monceaux, Candice Moore, Jenny Mutz, Natalie Rhodes, Sharon Sanders, Ashley Sheehan, Tina Siau, Brent Sonnier, Kayce Stutzman, Julie Walker, Jon-Michael Wallace, and Melanie Whiting
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee: Staff Council Officers did not meet with LU Executives in January.
Staff Council members spent the second half of today’s meeting in committee groups. Eachcommittee was asked to name a chair, co-chair, and record-keeper. Committees began discussing logistics and projects.
Community Service:
- Meals on Wheels Spud Sale Fundraiser – Please work with your represented areas to collect orders for the Baked Potato Fundraiser. The deadline for orders is Monday, February 17, 2020. Spuds will be delivered February 20th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sharlene Hatch, Tina Siau, or Diann Brodnax.
Staff Awards Ceremony: No report.
Staff Social Events: Current project: Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Student Success: No report.Communications: No report.
Staff Relations: Current project: Collected suggestions, Staff Council Suggestion Box, and LU staff retention statistics
- Staff Council has three new members: Jenny Mutz – UAC
Steven Veron – IT
Xundra Ward – HR
- Officer elections were held for the vacated position of Council Secretary. Candidates: Stephanie Allen, Sherika King-Lowe
- Election ballots were handed out, for secret voting, by Charlotte Holliman and Jon-Michael Wallace. After ballots were collected and counted, Stephanie Allen was named Staff Council Secretary. She will serve for the remainder of the term beginning March 2020 –August 2020.
- Stacey Granger, Vice President, requested Council members vote, via email, in favor or opposed to the motion for Diann Brodnax to step into the vacated Council President position. The motion was carried in favor of Diann serving as President. She will serve for the remainder of the term beginning March 2020 – August 2021.
Bylaws Committee: No report.
Unfinished Business: NoneNew Business:
- Tina Siau, Council member, asked why we no longer have food provided at our monthly Council meetings? Diann explained that the Council budget was cut this year. The StaffAwards Ceremony depleted the Council’s budget for the remainder of the year.
- Council officers will begin meeting with each committee over the next few months. If a committee plans to meet, please let that officer representative know of the meeting details so they may attend. The following officers are assigned to these committees:
Stacie Granger – Community Service
Dimples Jones – Student Success
Stephanie Allen – Staff Relations & Bylaws
Diann Brodnax – Staff Social Events & Communications
Good of the Order:
In celebration of AAAHC Accreditation, the Student Health Center is hosting an Open House February 20, 2020 1:00 pm Student Health Center Lobby
Upcoming campus events –
- Wednesday, March 11, 2020 – Developmental Disabilities Month Thursday, March 26, 2020 – Inspirational Women’s Award
- Thursday, April 16, 2020 – Campus Pride Excellence Reception
- Friday, April 17, 2020 – Campus Pride Day of Silence
The next Staff Council meeting will be March 3, 2020 in Mary and John Gray library, 8th floor.
Albertine Ambers moved to adjourn the meeting and Jon-Michael Wallace seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diann Brodnax
Diann Brodnax, Staff Council Secretary