Box Office


Ticket Policy

  • All ticket sales are final and cannot be refunded.
  • All persons entering the theatre, including babies in arms, must have a ticket. Please carefully consider whether a performance is appropriate for your child before planning to attend. Also, please be aware that disruptive patrons, including children, will not be allowed to remain in the theatre. Be considerate of others in the audience and of your child’s comfort.

When to Arrive

  • Plan to arrive 30 minutes before the performance starts.

Late Seating

  • Late seating is at the discretion of the House Manager and may not be possible for some performances. If you arrive late, ushers will seat you at the earliest appropriate time during the performance, usually at the end of a scene or prior piece. Out of respect for the performers and other audience members, you will be asked to wait in the lobby with an usher until the appropriate seating break.
  • Video monitors are in the theatre lobbies for latecomers to use until the seating hold has been lifted. If you need to leave a performance early, we ask that you leave at a point in the performance when moving around would be a minimal disturbance to those around you, such as during applause. 
  • For questions about our late seating policy, please contact the box office at luboxoffice@lamar.edu

Use of Technology and Recording

  • Use of cameras, recording equipment and cellular devices are not permitted. All pagers and cell phones must be silenced before the start of the performance.
  • Due to copyright laws and in consideration of the performers, the use of photography or recording devices of any kind inside the theatre is strictly prohibited.

Ticket Prices

General Admission - $15.00
Senior Citizen (+55) - $10.00
LU/LIT Faculty - $10.00
Students (LU/LIT/13-18) - $7.00
Children (0-12) - $5.00


For patrons requesting seating accommodations or general ticket inquiries, please contact the LUTD Box Office at (409) 880-2250 or at luboxoffice@lamar.edu