Alpha Tau Omega chapter recognized nationally


During the 2021 inaugural Alpha Tau Omega National Awards Celebration held in Orlando, Fla., the LU Texas-Zeta Theta chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity was recognized with the True Merit Honorable Mention award. This is the second highest honor bestowed by the ATO Fraternity and the Texas-Zeta Theta chapter is one of only 24 chapters to receive this award among over 141 chapters and more than 8,500 undergraduates judged nation-wide.

Honorees of the True Merit Honorable Mention award are chosen based on their academic achievements, involvement, community service, philanthropy, chapter growth and innovation. Recipients must also have a cumulative chapter GPA of 3.0 or higher. This marks the third consecutive year that the Texas-Zeta Theta chapter has accepted the award since being rechartered in 2015.

“This is an amazing accomplishment as we are a smaller chapter with only 17 members,” said Gabriel West, engineering major and chapter president. “It is especially exciting due to the past two years being affected by Covid-19. We were still able to innovate and do enough to be recognized as being right up there with some of the biggest and most successful chapters around the nation.”

To see all 2021 True Merit Honorable Mention award recipients, visit .