Choi, J.Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2018). International Outsourcing, Environmental Costs and Welfare. Asian Development Bank Institute Working Papers Series (No 848), 1-14.
Choi, J.Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2018). A Public-Good Approach to Environmental Economy. International Journal of Economic Theory, 1-12. Choi, J.Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2018). A Public-Good Approach to Environmental Economy. International Journal of Economic Theory, 1-12.
Choi, J.Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2017). International Outsourcing, Environmental Costs, and Welfare. Asia Pathways. [Edit] [x] Choi, J.Y. (2016). International Outsourcing, Terms of Trade, and Non-immiserization. International Review of Economics & Finance, 43, 222-233.
Choi, J.Y. (2016). International Outsourcing, Terms of Trade, and Non-immiserization. International Review of Economics & Finance, 43, 222-233.
Choi, J.Y. & Beladi, H. (2014). Internal and External Gains from International Outsourcing. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 23 (1-2), 299-314.
Yu, E. S.H. & Choi, J.Y. (2014). Factor Growth and Foreign Investment under Product Market Imperfection in the Harris-Todaro Economy. Pacific Economic Review, 18 (5), 584-602.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2013). Market Imperfection and International Trade in a Dynamic Economy. International Journal of Economic Theory, 9, 319-336.
Choi, E. K. & Choi, J. (2013). Financial Advantage, Outsourcing and FDI under Wage Uncertainty. North America Journal of Economics and Finance, 24, 260-267.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2012). Product Market Imperfection and the Two Sector Harris-Todaro Model. Review of International Economics, 20 (2), 256-270.
Choi, E. K., & Choi, J. Y. (2010). To Outsource or Not To Outsource in North-South Trade. Frontiers in Finance and Economics, 7 (1), 60-81.
Choi, J.Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2010). Imperfect Capital Mobility: A General Approach to the Two-Sector Harris-Todaro Model. Review of International Economics, 18 (1), 81-94.
Choi, J. Y. (2010). Anatomy of the Post-Global Quota Trade Disputes on China's Textile Exports. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 17, 435-448.
Jin, J. C., Choi, J., & Yu, E. S.H. (2009). Energy Price, Energy Conservation, and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Post War United States. International Review of Economics & Finance, 18 (4), 691-699.
Choi, E. K., & Choi, J. Y. (2008). Infrastructure Aid and Deindustrialization in Developing Countries, In Tran-Man Binh, Long, N. V., and Tawada, M. (Eds.), Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 5, Globalization and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy(pp. 245-266). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Choi, J. Y., & Choi, E. K. (2007). Infrastructure Aid, Deindustrialization and Urban Unemployment. In Sajal Lahiri (Ed.), Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 1, Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid (pp. 65-84). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Choi, J. Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2006). Industrial Targeting and Non-shiftable Capital in the Harris-Todaro Model. Review of International Economics, 14, 910-921.
Choi, J. Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2003). External Economies in International Trade Theory. In E. Kwan Choi and James Harrigan (Eds.), Handbook of International Trade (pp. 186-209). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Choi, J.Y., Yu, E. S.H., & Jin, J. C. (2002). Technical Progress, Urban Unemployment, Outputs, and Welfare under Variable Returns to Scale. International Review of Economics & Finance, 11, 411-425.
Choi, J.Y., & Yu, E. S.H. (2002). External Economies in International Trade Theory: A Survey. Review of International Economics, 10 (4), 708-728.
Presentation of Refereed Papers
Yu, E. S.H. & Choi, J.Y. (2017, September). International Outsourcing, Environmental Costs and Welfare. Asia Development Bank Institute (ADBI) 2017 Workshop, Tokyo, Japan.
Yu, E. S.H. & Choi, J. Y. (2016, May). International Outsourcing, Environmental Costs and Welfare. Shanghai Forum, Shanghai, China-PRC.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2015, June). A Public Good Approach to the Environmental Economy,. European Economics and Finance Society, Brussels, Belgium.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2015, May). A Public Good Approach to the Environmental Economy. International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS), Kyoto, Japan.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2014, November). International Outsourcing, Environmental Costs and Welfare. Kobe International Conference on Fragmentation, Time Zones, and their Dynamic Consequences, Kobe, Japan.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2013, September). On the Positive Aspects of International Outsourcing. Seminar on International Economics at Zheziang University, Hangzhou, China-PRC.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2013, June). Factor Growth and Foreign Investment under Product market Imperfection in the Harris-Todaro Economy. International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS), Shanghai, China-PRC.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2012, May). Market Imperfection and International Trade in a Dynamic Economy. International Workshop on Trade, Macroeconomic Dynamics and Political Economy, Hong Kong, China- Hong Kong.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2011, November). Outsourcing, Economies of Scale and terms of Trade. Seminar on International Economics at Aoyama University, Tokyo, Japan.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2011, November). Outsourcing, Economies of Scale and Terms of Trade. The Chukyo-Kyoto Conference on International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics, Nagoya, Japan.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2010, May). Product Market Imperfection and the Two-Sector Harris-Todaro Economy. International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS), Beijing, China-PRC.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2009, December). Product Market Imperfection and the Two-Sector Harris-Todaro Economy. 4th Keio-Kyoto International Conference on Market Quality Economics, Kyoto, Japan.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2009, December). Product Market Imperfection and the Two-sector Harris-Todaro Economy. 2009 Annual Conference of Taiwan Economic Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2008, October). Imperfect Capital Mobility: a General Approach to the Two-Sector Harris-Todaro Model. International Conference on International Economics and Globalization (sponsored by Chukyo University and Nagoya University), Nagoya, Japan.
Choi, E. K. & Choi, J. Y. (2008, January). To Outsource or Not to Outsource in North-South Trade. Country Risk and FDI conference at Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany.
Choi, J.Y. (2006, May). Anatomy of the Post-Global Quota Trade Disputes on China's Textile Exports. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics conference, Hong Kong, China.
Choi, J.Y. (2004, March). Foreign Investment, Unemployment and welfare under Intersectoral Capital Immobility. Southwestern Economics Association, Corpus Christi, Texas, United States of America.
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2002, June). Technical Progress, Urban Unemployment, Outputs and Welfare under Variable Returns to Scale. International Conference (in honor of Gregory Chow of Princeton University) in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers
Choi, J.Y. (2015, May). Offshoring, Terms of Trade and Non-Immiserization. Chu Hai Conference: International Economic Linkages, Hong Kong, China- Hong Kong.
Choi, J.Y. (2010, October). Product Market Imperfection, Factor Growth, FDI and the Two-Sector Harris-Todaro Model. Invited presentation at Workshop on International Economics at Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan.
2004: Tran, Q., Choi, J. Y., & Andreev, V. V., Â鶹ӳ» Research Enhancement Grant, Â鶹ӳ». Developing course(s) on computational finance.
Papers Under Review
Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E. S.H. (2015). "International Outsourcing, Environmental Costs and Welfare," Initial submission to International Journal of Economic Theory.
Other Research
2018: Choi, J.Y., & Yu, E.S., Podcast by ADBI Asia's Developing Future Global outsourcing comes with environmental costs. This podcast, edited by Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo (Japan), reports the welfare consequences of international outsourcing between North and South in the presence of resulting environmental damages to the South. We suggest that to fully resolve the environmental issue in the South, strengthening regulation or fostering international cooperation is desirable for implementation until the environmental costs of outsourcing are fully accounted for by the outsourcing firms in the North which, however, may react by resorting to insourcing, diversified outsourcing and other strategies.
Basic or Discovery Scholarship
2015: Choi, J.Y. & Yu, E.S., A Public Good Approach to Environmental Economy.
This paper investigates the economic implications of environment in the 2x3 Heckscher-Ohlin model by expounding the multi-dimensional roles of the environment for the economy: (i) as a public input used for production of goods and services, (ii) as a by-product from production of goods and services, and (iii) as a public good directly affecting social utility. It shows that (a) the sectoral environment-output responses play a critical role for determining the environmental effects on factor prices, sectoral outputs and employment, and welfare; (b) the optimal policy is free trade (a specific tax on pollution) under a dynamically stable (unstable) environment.