Air and water monitoring and Carbon Capture (Flare Modeling, Combustion Mechanisms, Sulfur Recovery, Amine Process)
Process Modeling & Control (Neural network, Dynamic Simulation, Model Predictive Control, Preventive Maintenance, sCO2 Power Cycle )
Low Carbon Energy Process (Carbon Capturing, Data analytics)
Daniel Chen (PI) & Gevorg Sargsyan, “Evaluating Various LNG Plant Electrification Options,” Center for Midstream Management & Science, $34,000, 09/01/22 -08/31/23.
Sujing Wang (PI), Daniel Chen, “Modeling and Optimization for a Generic Gas Processing Plant and Natural Gas Liquids Fractionation Train,” Center for Midstream Management & Science, Project 366, $25,000, 09/01/21 -02/28/22.
Daniel Chen (PI), Qiang Xu, & Gevorg Sargsyan, “Integrated Allam Cycle-LNG Complex for Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Efficient Energy Supply,” Center for Midstream Management & Science, Project 364, $50,000, 09/01/21 -08/31/22.
Chen, D.H. & X. LI, "Development of Reduced Combustion Reaction Mechanisms of the Ammonia/Natural Gas/Air System for Predicting NOx, Soot & unburnt NH3 Emissions," 110LUB0179A, 04/01/2020-06/30/2021, TARC Grant, $19,350.
Tracy Benson (PI) and Daniel Chen, "Offshore Gulf of Mexico Partnership for Carbon Storage--Resources and Technology Development GOMCarb," Department of Energy Offshore Gulf of Mexico; $153,123, 4/1/2018-3/31/2022, UT Prime Award # DE-FE0031558, LU Subaward UTA18-000644.
"Abnormal Situation Management & Big Data," D. Chen (PI), Distinguished Research Fellow Award and Visionary Initiatives, Â鶹ӳ», 09/01/16-8/31/2019.
Xu, Q, Chen, D., Wang S., Li, X., Martin, C., "Flare and Abnormal Situation Management Research for the Process Industry," $150,000, as part of the Â鶹ӳ» Visionary Initiative Grant "Cybersecurity, infrastructure, and abnormal situation management for the process industry," 09/01/16-08/31/19.
Chen, D. H., "Detection of Equipment Malfunctions with Plant Data," Leland Best Distinguished Faculty Fellow Award, $35,000, 09/01/16-08/31/19.
Daniel Chen (PI), Tracy Benson, and David Cocke, "CO2 Source Sink matching, Outreach, and Risks," $99,999, 2/1/2017-7/31/2018, Subaward from the Gulf Coast Carbon Center, University of Texas-Austin, as part of CarbonSAFE Phase I project, DE-FE0029487, US Department of Energy.
“Modeling and Set Point Determination for Flare Operations,” D. Chen (PI), H. Lou, X. Li, and C. Martin, Texas Air Research Center (TARC), 09/01/15-7/15/2017.
“Flare Performance Optimization: DRE/CE vs. Soot,” Daniel H. Chen (PI), Helen Lou, Xianchang Li, Peyton Richmond, Matthew Johnson (Carleton University, Canada), Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), 01/01/14-8/31/2014.
Helen Lou (PI), Daniel Chen, Xianchang Li, Peyton Richmond, “Flare Speciation Study Using Advanced Computational Methods,” TCEQ, SEP Agreement No. 2009-009, Task 2-A, Phase III, 02/01/14-09/30/15.
“MRI: Acquisition of an LC/MS/MS System for Multidisciplinary Research and Educational Projects," Daniel H. Chen (PI), David L. Cocke, Che-Jen Lin, Paul Bernazzani, Andrew Jewel Gomes, NSF CBET-1338088, $456,549, 09/01/2013-08/31/2018.