Brake, Nicholas A.,Sehin, O., Partain, J.W., Valles, D., Marquez, A., Jimenez, J.A., Saltsman, G., Davis, R. (2020). Cross-cultural engineering skill development at an international engineering summer boot camp. InAmerican Society of Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada., June 21-24.
Brake, Nicholas A.,Selvaratnam, T. (2020). Peer Mentorship and a 3D Printed Design-Build-Test Project: Enhancing the First Year Civil Engineering Experience. InAmerican Society of Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada., June 21-24.
Liu, X., Fan, X., Zhou, J.,Brake, Nicholas, A.,Li, X., Yoo, J., Sisk, D. (2020). Application of 3D CAD and 3D Printing to RET Program to Enrich Engineering Design Education. InAmerican Society of Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada., June 21-24.
Edwards, Kyle AT, Suhaib H. Al-Abed, Seyedsaeid Hosseini, andNicholas A. Brake. Properties of a magnetic concrete core transformer for application in wireless power transfer systems. Construction and Building Materials 227 (2019): 117041.
Naddaf-Sh, M., SeyedSaeid Hosseini, Jing Zhang,Nicholas A. Brake, and Hassan Zargarzadeh. Real-Time Road Crack Mapping Using an Optimized Convolutional Neural Network. Complexity (2019).
Oruji, S.,Brake, N.A.,Guduru, R.K., Nalluri, L., Günaydın-Şen, Ö., Kharel, K., Rabbanifar, S., Hosseini, S. and Ingram, E., (2019). Mitigation of ASR expansion in concrete using ultra-fine coal bottom ash. Construction and Building Materials, 202, pp.814-824.
Thuy Minh Nguyen, Saeed Rabbanifar,Nicholas Brake, Qin Qian; Kyle Kibodeaux; Harold E. Crochet, BS; Soheil Oruji, M.S.; Remington Whitt; Joshua Farrow; Brandon Belaire; Paul Bernazzani; Mien Jao. (2018). Stabilization of Silty Clayey Dredged Material.ASCE J. Mat. Civ. Eng., In Press.
Brake, Nicholas, A.,Jao, Mien, Su, Dan. (2018). The integration of micro Design-Build-Test projects in instructor-centered courses to increase engineering design confidence.ASCE J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract., 144(2): 05018002
Zhu, W., Fan, X.,Brake, Nicholas A.,Liu, X., Li, X., Zhou, J., Sisk, D., Yoo, J. (2018). First Year Experience from RET Site: Incorporating Engineering Design and Manufacturing into High School Curriculum, InAmerican Society of Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, UT., June 24-27.
Edwards, Kyle A. T.,Brake, Nicholas A.,(2018). Increasing Concrete Magnetic Permeability with the Addition of Soft Iron and Stainless Steel Fiber Inclusions. InASCE Transportation and Development Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, July 15-18
Brake, Nicholas A.,Oruji, S., Haselbach, L. (2018). Increasing compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete using high fineness bottom ash blended cement. InASCE Transportation and Development Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, July 15-18
Soheil Oruji,Nicholas A. Brake, Ramesh K. Guduru, Clayton Jeffryes, Likhith Nalluri, Shishir Kumar, Adarsh Bafana,Hayden Rice (2017). Dispersed ultra-fine bottom ash blended mortar. InProceedings of the Transportation Research Board.
Mahmud, Mohammad H., Elmahmoud, Weam, Barzegaran, M.R., Brake, Nicholas, A. (2017). Efficient Wireless Power Charging of Electric Vehicle by modifying the magnetic characteristics of the medium. DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2654164, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Brake, Nicholas, A.,Jao, Mien, Su, Dan. Increasing confidence by integrating 3D printing and design-build-test projects into a civil engineering curriculum.Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, Under Review
Oruji, Soheil,Brake, Nicholas,A., Nalluri, Likhith, Guduru, Ramesh. Effects of ultra-fine high-volume bottom ash replacement on mortar compressive strength and workability.Construction and Building Materials, Under Review
Brake, Nicholas, A., Allahdadi, Hamid., Adam, Fatih., (2016). Flexural strength and fracture size effects of pervious concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 113, 536-543.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2016). Equivalent crack, fracture size effect, and cohesive stress zone of plain concrete under quasi-static and variable high-cycle fatigue loading, ASCE J. Civ. Eng. Mat., doi: 10.161/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001766
Thang, Vul, Marshall, P., Brake, Nicholas A. (2016). Studded Bond Enhancement for SCS sandwich shells,Ocean Engineering, 32-41, 124.
Brake, Nicholas A., Curry, James. (2016). The impact of a one-credit introductory engineering course on engineering self-efficacy: seminar v. project-based. In American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, June 26-28.
Brake, Nicholas A. (2016). A pre-capstone junior-level structural and materials design project for civil engineering students: glue laminated timber design, In American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, June 26-28.
Brake, Nicholas A., Adam, Fatih. (2016). Integrating a 3D printer and a truss optimization project in Statics, In American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, June 26-28.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2016). Characterizing non-linear fatigue crack growth and size effect in plain concrete beams with a hybrid effective crack and cohesive zone model. In RILEM: 8th International Conference on Pavement Cracking, Nantes, France. June 7-9.
Sudani, Ghassan A., Brake, Nicholas. A., Jao, Mien. (2015). Stability of Footings Adjacent to Pile-Walls, ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 15(6).
Brake, Nicholas A., Allahdadi, Hamid., Adam, Fatih, Carillo, Nicholas., Mason, Murphy. (2015). Residual strength of pervious concrete under static and impact loading, In Airfield and Highway Pavement Conference. Miami, FL. June 7-10.
Thang, Vul, Marshall, Peter W., Brake, Nicholas. A., (2014). Bond Enhancement in Curved Sandwich Shells. In International Conference and Exhibition on Performance of Ships and Structures in Ice, Banff, Alberta, Canada. July 28-31.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2013). Prediction of size effect and non-linear crack growth in plain concrete under fatigue loading, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 109, 169-185.
Brake, Nicholas A., Adam, Fatih. (2013). Accelerated fatigue damage of a rigid pavement overlying a sub-surface void: a computational analysis, In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2012). Prediction of transient and steady-state flexural fatigue crack propagation in concrete using a cyclic R-curve, J. Eng. Mech. 138(4), 371-378.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2012). The effect of non-linear damage accumulation on fatigue cracking predictions in concrete pavements, In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2012). Plain concrete cyclic crack resistance curves under constant and variable amplitude loading, In RILEM, 7th International Conference on Pavement Cracking, Delft, The Netherlands, June 20-22.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2012). Evaluation of the linear damage assumption in JPCP bottom-up fatigue cracking. In 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, Quebec City, Canada. July 8-12.
Rhimi, Mohamed, Brake, Nicholas A., Lajnef, Nizar, Chatti, Karim. (2012). Damage Assessment of concrete using compressed data from a self-powered sensor, In the Proceedings of Transportation Research Board.
Chatti, Karim, Manik, A., Brake, Nicholas A. (2008). Effect of axle configurations on fatigue and faulting of concrete pavements, In 10th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology, Paris, France.
Chatti, Karim, Brake, Nicholas A., Salama, Hassan, Haider, S.W. (2008). The effect of different axle configurations on the fatigue life of plain cement concrete, RILEM, 6th International Conference on Pavement Cracking, Chicago, Illinois. June 16-18.
Conference Presentations
Brake, Nicholas A.,Sehin, O., Partain, J.W., Valles, D., Marquez, A., Jimenez, J.A., Saltsman, G., Davis, R. (2020). Cross-cultural engineering skill development at an international engineering summer boot camp. InAmerican Society of Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada., June 21-24.
Brake, Nicholas A.,Selvaratnam, T. (2020). Peer Mentorship and a 3D Printed Design-Build-Test Project: Enhancing the First Year Civil Engineering Experience. InAmerican Society of Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada., June 21-24.
Liu, X., Fan, X., Zhou, J.,Brake, Nicholas, A.,Li, X., Yoo, J., Sisk, D. (2020). Application of 3D CAD and 3D Printing to RET Program to Enrich Engineering Design Education. InAmerican Society of Engineering Education, Montreal, Canada., June 21-24.
Brake, Nicholas A., Curry, James. (2016). The impact of a one-credit introductory engineering course on engineering self-efficacy: seminar v. project-based. In American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, June 26-28.
Brake, Nicholas A.(2016). A pre-capstone junior-level structural and materials design project for civil engineering students: glue laminated timber design, In American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, June 26-28.
Brake, Nicholas A., Adam, Fatih. (2016). Integrating a 3D printer and a truss optimization project in Statics, In American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, June 26-28.
Brake, Nicholas A., Allahdadi, Hamid., Adam, Fatih, Carillo, Nicholas., Mason, Murphy. (2015). Residual strength of pervious concrete under static and impact loading, In Airfield and Highway Pavement Conference. Miami, FL. June 7-10.
Brake, Nicholas A., Adam, Fatih. (2013). Accelerated fatigue damage of a rigid pavement overlying a sub-surface void: a computational analysis, In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2012). The effect of non-linear damage accumulation on fatigue cracking predictions in concrete pavements, In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board.
Brake, Nicholas A., Chatti, Karim. (2012). Evaluation of the linear damage assumption in JPCP bottom-up fatigue cracking. In 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, Quebec City, Canada. July 8-1
Professional Reports
Chatti, Karim., Manik, Anshu., Salama, Hassan., Haider, Syed.W.,Brake, Nicholas A., El Mohtar, Chadi. (2009). “Effect of Michigan Multi-Axle Trucks on Pavement Distress”, MDOT Report # RC-1504, Lansing, Michigan
Allahdadi, Hamid,Brake, Nicholas, A.(2015). “Detection of Chemical Attack in Self-Sensing Concrete, Â鶹ӳ»”, LU REG Final Report.
Brake, Nicholas, A.(2016). “Development of an enhanced nano-reinforcement cocktail to improve the performance of recycled concrete aggregate”, LU REG Final Report.
Dissertation/Thesis Supervision
Seyedsaied Hosseini, de Dissertation: “Mechanochemical Treatment of Bottom Ash and Dredge Materials in Fly Ash Based Geopolymer”, 2020
Soheil Oruji, de Dissertation: “Replacing ultra-fine and highly dispersed pulverized coal bottom ash as portland cement to strengthen and improve physical properties of cement mortars”, 2017
Weam Elmahmoud, M.S. Thesis: “Experimental analysis of fine impregnated electrically conductive powders in Portland cement”. December 2016
Fatih Adam, de Dissertation: “Structural Analysis of a rigid pavement overlaying a subsurface void”, December 2015
Samson Negeri, M.S. Thesis: “The effects of heavy multiple axle trucks on rigid pavement distress in various climatic regions”, May 2014
Vul Thang, M.S. Thesis: “Studded bond enhancement for SCS sandwich shells”, August 2014
Ghassan Sudani, de Dissertation: “Stability of shallow foundations adjacent to spaced pilesrow”, 2013
Ali Banaa, M.S. Thesis: “Early age damage quantification of actively restrained concrete using inverse analysis”, December 2014
Sina Nejad, de Dissertation: “Protection of petrochemical facilities from accidental and manmade threats”, December 2014
Undergraduate Research Project Supervision
Kyle Edwards, Durable magnetic cements for vehicle wireless charging applications, OUR Research Fellowship, 2016
Michael Bourne, “A low-cost next-generation pavement damage detection technique”, Lamar University OUR Research Fellowship, 2014
Nicholas Carillo, Billy Wilson, Murphy Mason, “Fracture resistance and size effect of high performance pervious concretes”, Undergraduate Research, 2014
Dissertation/Thesis Committee Member
Nara Almeida, de Dissertation: “Increasing the resistance of pervious concrete to magnesium chloride attacks through carbonation”, 2020
Darshil Patel, M.S. Thesis: “Investigation on intercalation behavior of b-c-n compound for multivalent-ions”, 2017
Md Hazzaz Mahmud, “Efficient Wireless Power Charging of Electric Vehicle by modifying the magnetic characteristics of the medium”, 2016
Jeremy John Adams, “Vapor pressure prediction in reflow for stacked-chip packages by convection-diffusion model”, 2015
Md Aviquzzaman, “Analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles’ utility factors using gps-based longitudinal travel data”, 2014
Md Hafizur Rahman, “Probability analysis of vessel collisions and groundings in southeast Texas waterways”, 2014
Ozgur Taner, “Analytical and Numerical Analysis of 2D electromigration driven vacancy transport equation”, 2014